О нас » Outreach and communication strategy
The key objective of TI Kyrgyzstan’s outreach and communication strategy is to transform the product of TI Kyrgyzstan’s Research and Policy into tools for institutional and policy change. It is also aimed at expanding the TI Kyrgyzstan constituency through increased citizens’ participation in anti-corruption movement nationally and locally. Tools applied for outreach and communication include:
Dissemination of research outputs and using the same in creating public opinion and demand through various tools of communication including the print and electronic media
Engaging the citizens especially young generation through the different trainings, advocacy campaigns
Engaging with the Government, law-makers and officials directly and indirectly for policy reform and institutional change
Building issue-based partnerships with other organisations in order to strengthen the anti-corruption constituency
Outreach and media campaign
Newsletters and web site different platforms: TI Kyrgyzstan elaborated web-platforms for local communities and local authorities; ask- journal platform for attraction the regions of Kyrgyzstan and will publish different newsletters on different spheres for dissemination of information on anti-corruption activities.
Media Campaign: No anti-corruption movement can be successful without active media support. In addition to its own role as an anti-corruption institution, the media provides a highly important supportive role to TI Kyrgyzstan’s anti-corruption efforts. Newspaper and television advertisements are put out carrying messages against corruption. TI Kyrgyzstan also works with private television and radio channels for event-based partnerships, talk shows, and anti-corruption messages.
Right to Information: TI Kyrgyzstan works for promoting people’s right to information, which is the pre-condition to ensure other fundamental rights. As a non governmental organisation that spearheaded the movement leading to the enactment of the Law on Access to Information, TI Kyrgzystan has been mainstreaming people’s right to information in its core activities, with special emphasis on building capacity on both demand and supply side.